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Customer Care

Your needs matter. If you don't find an item you wish to checkout, send a custom order from the shop page. Make sure you place an order before the desired time and day of the delivery in order for the staff to prepare your order.


1. Make sure that you're following @chateauducielhq before placing your orders.. We will not be entertaining orders unless the customer follows the shop.

2. Check your orders before checking out.
3. Items to be placed in the cart is limited to four (4) items or products only.
4. We offer scheduled orders including the day and time.

WE WILL NOT CONDONE ANY ORDERS STAFF FIND OFFENSIVE that may cause discomfort to our customers and shop.

For inquiries, catering services, partnerships, and collaborations, contact @skycastlehq or email the organization via

Privacy and Safety

All customers are accommodated with respect and care with their orders. The identity of anonymous senders will be kept from the receiver unless it violates and overrules the guidelines of the shop. (i.e. when a customer feels discomfort with receiving orders and wishes to hard or soft block the sender)

Payment Methods
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